Order 50+ Copies of The Long-Distance Leader and Get a FREE Registration + a 1-hour Private Session with Kevin or Wayne!

Step 1 - Order 50+ copies of The Long-Distance Leader from Amazon (or wherever you purchase books).
Order the new & updated edition of this internationally acclaimed guide to remote and hybrid leadership and you'll get a free seat in our best-selling workshop, The Long-Distance Leadership Series, plus a 1-hour private session with one of the authors of The Long-Distance Leader.
Step 2 - Send us a copy of your purchase receipt.
Fill out a short form to let us know that you have ordered the book and we'll be in touch to finalize your workshop registration and go over the details and process for booking your private 1-hour session.
Step 3 - Invite your friends & colleagues to learn more about our Long-Distance Worklife learning solutions.
From podcasts to weekly videos to newsletter to an entire Long-Distance Worklife book series, we have everything they'll need for effective leadership across distances. Share the love and spread the word about The Kevin Eikenberry Group and our Long-Distance Worklife solutions!