The new edition of this internationally acclaimed guide to remote and hybrid leadership comes with an updated and enriched framework for the modern workplace. It introduces new principles and retains proven strategies for effective leadership across distances.
New features include updated exercises that ensure projects stay on track, keep productivity and morale high, and build lasting relationships, along with a new chapter on hybrid workplaces.

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Proven Strategies for Effective Leadership!
The Long-Distance Leader is THE essential guide for today's leader. Whether their teams are remote, hybrid, co-working, or something entirely new, leaders will learn powerful leadership skills and how to navigate the terrain of managing teams wherever they are.
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Purchase 15 copies and get a free seat in our best-selling workshop, The Long-Distance Leadership Series. This highly interactive and engaging, small group experience is delivered virtually and teaches the skills leaders need for remote and hybrid work.
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The Long-Distance Leader provides new insights and actionable ideas that you can implement immediately to help you lead more effectively and with greater confidence.
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In 2018, we wrote The Long-Distance Leader, Rules for Remarkable Remote Leadership. At the time, remote work (or telecommuting or telework, or whatever else they called it) was growing but still new to so many leaders.
Then came COVID, and the world changed. Suddenly, a third of the North American workforce was working remotely. Jobs we thought had to be done in-office were successfully being done without commuting to a location every day. Thousands of people found the work we do and the training solutions we offer to be helpful in navigating these changes, and we are proud of that.
And through all this, what remained consistent were the rules for leading remote teams. The lessons and models in the first book are still as relevant today as when we wrote them six years ago.
Now, that doesn’t mean that nothing has changed...
unlock the rest of the chapter for free!
Praise for The Long-Distance Leader
Leaders who are determined to make an impact in the fiercely complex world of the 21st century will benefit greatly from the insights and principles in The Long-Distance Leader.
Doug Conant // Founder & CEO, Conant Leadership, Former CEO, Campbells Soup Co.
Finally a superb book with a purpose - dealing with the challenges of long-distance leadership. A must read for leaders of all organizations dealing with the increasing demand and challenge of long-distance leadership.
Major General David Ralston // US Army, RET
This book is a must-read not just because the authors have been at the cutting-edge of remote leadership for some time, but because it is engaging, honest, practical and useful.
N. Hunt
Wayne and Kevin's book offers the reader a solid foundation in leadership in any circumstance and layers it with virtual leadership or leadership at a distance. It is full of nuance and nudges that will help you navigate through the labyrinths of leading at a distance.
David Zinger // Founder & Host of the Global 7500 Member Employee Engagement Network
Great book. Spot on time-wise. Moving from 'managing' people to 'leading' people has never been more relevant. A 'manager' manages people, a 'leader' employs great people and trusts them to achieve amazing results.
Ann Andrews, CSP // Author of "Lessons in Leadership: 50 Ways to Avoid Falling into the 'Trump' Trap"
Leadership isn't easy. Working remotely adds a new dynamic. The practical tips in this book give the reader the edge they need to be successful leading remote teams; practical tools that can give you the competitive advantage to get the most out of your remote teams.
Marcie Van Note, MBA //Director, Mt. Mercy University
Book Owners: Get Additional Online Resources!

Every chapter of the book includes additional resources including:
- Team Goal Clarity Assessment
- Building Remote Work Routines Checklist
- Remote Goal Setting Checklist
- Remote Performance Management Tool
- Trust Thermostat Tool
- Pre-Conference Call Checklist
- Virtual Presentation Checklist
- Organizational Team Assessment
- And more!
Media Sources
If you are a publisher and wish to publish the book in your country or have other media inquiries, please contact Jill Eifert at