Posted in  Ask Wayne Anything, Technology   on  October 9, 2023 by  Marisa Eikenberry0 comments

Marisa and Wayne discuss the new AI features that Zoom is introducing to its platform. They explore the potential benefits and challenges of using AI in web meeting platforms and highlight the importance of staying informed about new features and tools. They also discuss the potential impact of AI on presentation skills and communication styles,

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Marisa and Wayne discuss pet peeves related to remote meetings. They address the issue of team members not turning on their cameras during meetings and the value of having cameras on. Wayne explains that while there are advantages to being on camera, it’s important to consider the context and purpose of the meeting. For larger

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Marisa and Wayne discuss the Spider-Man Paradox, which is the idea that with great power comes great responsibility. They explore the responsibility that remote workers have in managing their own schedules and demonstrating their trustworthiness to their employers. They emphasize the importance of proactive communication, setting expectations, and taking ownership of one’s work. They also

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Marisa Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel delve into the realm of remote work pet peeves, with a particular focus on virtual meetings. As they banter in their signature casual-yet-business-oriented style, Marisa and Wayne discuss the ups and downs of attention spans, attention-grabbing tactics, and the intricate dynamics of breakout sessions. Sharing insights from their own experiences,

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In this pet peeves episode, Marisa Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel tackle two common frustrations faced by remote workers: last-minute meeting cancellations and the challenges of coordinating meetings across different time zones. They empathize with the annoyance of blocked-out time being wasted and provide insights on how to handle such situations professionally. The hosts also discuss

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Marisa Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel dive into the world of scare tactics surrounding remote work and the push to return to the office. They discuss the underlying motives behind exaggerated claims and unflattering portrayals, emphasizing the importance of reevaluating productivity metrics and setting realistic expectations. They highlight the need for leaders to define metrics focused

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