Posted in  Guests, Leadership, Surviving Remote Work  on  November 21, 2022  - 0 comments

Robert Bogue, from Thor Projects, talks about the importance of having empathetic conversations in remote and hybrid teams. Rob and Wayne discuss cognitive empathy, what empathy really is, and motivational interviewing. Additional ResourcesArt of Empathetic Conversations Online CourseBook review mentioning ArgyrisRobert’s BlogThor ProjectsLearn more about Wayne TurmelEmail Wayne TurmelPurchase a copy of The Long-Distance LeaderPurchase a

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Performance reviews can be hard enough, but how do you conduct them remotely? Wayne and Marisa cover how to give feedback when you can’t see what or how they’re doing the job, tips to make remote performance reviews effective, and what is the same compared to in-person reviews. Additional ResourcesPerformance Reviews in a Post Pandemic World3

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Dr. Pam Cohen from The Mom Project has a mission to help women find flexible work that fits their busy schedules. Pam and Wayne discuss why flexible work is not just a ‘nice-to-have’ but critical for working moms, how moms often get left behind in projects due to caregiver responsibilities, and how moms can have

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